"Brainsick" is an editorial design project that delves into the intricate world of mental disorders through an illustrated catalog. In this endeavor, my aim was to merge artistic sensitivity with clinical information to offer an informative and poignant experience.
The catalog
The "Brainsick" catalog delves into the recesses of the human mind, providing a profound and comprehensive insight into a wide range of mental disorders. From anxiety and depression to lesser-known disorders, each page of the catalog offers a detailed and visually striking exploration of a specific disorder.
The illustrations
My primary contribution to this project was the creation of illustrations that capture the essence and complexity of each mental disorder. Using a combination of artistic techniques and psychological insights, my illustrations seek to illuminate the internal experience of those grappling with these disorders, offering empathy and understanding through art.
Every page of the "Brainsick" catalog is thoughtfully designed to be accessible and educational, with clear and concise descriptions of symptoms, causes, and treatments associated with each mental disorder. The illustrations complement and enrich this information, providing a unique and evocative perspective that invites reflection and dialogue.
In summary, "Brainsick" is more than just a catalog; it is a visual and emotional testimony to the complexity of the human mind and an attempt to destigmatize and understand mental disorders from both an artistic and clinical perspective.
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